My Blog

Tyson and the Monsters

Picture from WLTNBN

We finally got the Monsters neutered and decided to go ahead and punish Tyson, while we were at it. Oh. He definitely feels punished. Bless his heart. I can’t say it’s calmed him down at all. He’s a sweet dog, and very well behaved, but when it’s time to take him on a walk, he forgets I’m on the other end of that leash. For a week he had to wear a cone, which was not fun for us either. He was only jailed for 7 days, but I’ve decided to leave him inside for an extra few days, just to make sure he doesn’t open the stitches… and, it’s as though he knows his term was up on Wednesday, because suddenly he has become a crybaby! I mean! A real crybaby!

The Monsters, however, are very happy with their new life. The first day Tony ran right outside, spending a good hour inspecting the deck, every inch of it. He then made his way off the steps and around the house. That was his first day. Tigger was slow to follow Tony, but eventually crossed the threshold, just to sit and watch Tony inspect. He found a cozy spot for a nap. Afterwards he did some Monsters.03.27.14investigative work himself. Garfield, he’s another story. He sniffed the threshold, then sat and looked outside, not crossing it. Then he had to inspect the door, that was open just for him. After that, he sat and pondered for a few more minutes, then crossed over and found his way off the deck. He turned rogue and we didn’t see him for the rest of the day. At 7p we did a Monster roundup and they all came running. The second day went a lot like the first… except when it was roundup time, Tigger was no where to be found. We tried for a couple hours, finally going to bed. We were watching the news when I heard a crying baby, which is what a neighborhood stray cat sounds like. We got up and found the stray in a battle with Tigger who held his own! Devil walked out on the deck and the stray took off under the house… where he has obviously taken up residence. Tigger’s tale was poofed out and I was surprised he let Devil pick him up and get him inside, but once he was indoors, he wanted some love! He was traumatized! lol. The next morning though, all three of them woke up, ate, went back to bed for their morning nap and then around 10a, they ran outside in tandem, excited to see more of this new world!

There is harmony in my home, once again! WOOT!

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