My Blog

Really, It’s Not a Full Moon?

I was told it has to be a full moon somewhere… maybe on another Planet, but these fucks are just plain fools!

This started my Friday:

Him: do you date black men?

Me: I don’t date.

Him: I’m not black so haha

Me: Okay. How are you today?

Him: You have big ass legs, girl.

Me: Maybe it’s the angle.

Him: They’re long, too. You’re super big and tall.

Me: Not really. Sooooo. What’s going on today?

Him: You eat a lot, don’t you?

Me: I do have a big appetite….

Him: yeah, I can tell you do nothing but eat because you’re thick as fuck!

Me: wow. I should have seen that coming, but totally caught me off guard. Do you feel as though you’re a winner in your loser-dom?


This is an email. This is a first for me because I consider all correspondence to be private, but this dude doesn’t deserve that kind of respect.


Hey John. I received your message through the camsite. I do skype shows by appointment only, payable via Paypal.

His Response:

Hellooo Sweet Angel, how cozy to have you here as well, well fine with skype shows, and how much I even wanted to see you live, I don`t know about finding out such stuff, but the main reason, that I wrote you in fact is, that we have been talking that lot years ago, and I never supported you with a dime yet, cause I will rather send you a donation through w.u., I will only need your real full name and the State, you live in, don`t be scared, I am not a psycho LOL, the only thing is, that I have lost my wallet with my driver`s licence recently, so I will have to have a new one made to ID myself down at w.u., it will take 10-14 days from now, and WHY I wanna do it?, well let me put it this way – some people like to have a child in Africa to support from time to time, maybe I just like to have an Angel Goddess in the States – but if comes to, that I wanna see you on skype, I am afraid, that you will have to guide me through it, but it is no condition…



(If you feel the need to say “I’m not a psycho”, you’re definitely a psycho!)

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