My Blog

Spur of the Moment Stop

We drove four hours NW of us, going right through Red’s area. We made pretty good time on the way up there, only stopping for gas and drinks. On the way home we stopped for dinner, shortly after driving off of the lot. Devil in front, with me trying to keep up with him miles behind.. Luckily I’m pretty good with direction and knew which way to turn at each cross road. We stopped about 30 minutes north of Red, for gas, and I happened to check Twitter. Red asked how we were doing on time, so I told him where we were and then back on the road. A little while later my phone rings and it’s Red, asking where we are and if we’d have time for dinner. Unfortunately, we had already ate and it was such a long day we were going to drive on home. However, we were only about 5 minutes from where he was, so we stopped for a quick hello and to show him the SUV. He treated me to a Big Red on the rocks, and had several surprises for me! How he does it is anyone’s guess, but he kept pulling treats out of his truck. LOL. It was about a 15 minute visit and it made the last hour of the drive so much better! What a good fella, he is!

Thank you, Red!

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