My Blog

Let’s Get Our Drink On!!

shotsNext Wednesday, the 21st, is Lefty’s birthday and I will be online to celebrate! Let’s come together and wish him nothing but the very best on his day! This will be a drinking night, but if you’re not a drinker, no worries! You do not have to be drunk to enjoy this celebration! Plus, someone has to be the responsible one, or else we’d be left without a designated driver!

I’ll be drinking and will be on for several hours… Let’s make it a tradition!

White Russians or Cranberry Vodka? Hmmm.. decisions.

I think this goes without saying, but if you’re a member of my site, you will have access to the celebration. I don’t always open that door to everyone, unless it’s the weekly member show, so come take advantage of Lefty and his birthday!

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