My Blog

I Want One! Just One!

I know it’s obvious I have obsessions, and one of my biggest ones would be Elephants, but they’re such precious creatures! They experience like we do, and they get happy and sad and they have friends.. I want to be a friend. lol. I just had to post this picture that Cliff sent me. It made me smile.


We’re going to Omaha, NE next month and we’re going to go to the zoo. It’s apparently the biggest one in the world. In THE world! They also claim to be ranked number 1, which has me very excited! I’ve been to the Steve Erwin Zoo in Australia and that one was pretty fucking impressive. They had acres and acres of kangaroo’s! I walked through their world and fed as many as I could. They loved me, I had tons of food. A camel even greeted me at the entrance! He kind of smelled bad, but he was adorably cute with his facial expressions. In Omaha, they have camel rides, but I really just want to ride an elephant. I wonder if I can choose. lol.

Anyway, thank you all for sending me cute and adorable pictures every day. You guys just warm my heart. *hugs*

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