My Blog

Trip to the Great Plains of Nebraska


Next Wednesday we’re heading up to Omaha with another couple. We’re going to go see Rod Stewart and Santana in Lincoln, and since they’re from Omaha, we’ll stay with their family. They have a sweet story. She moved to Austin for the music scene and flew home for the holiday’s a few years ago. While there, she reconnected with an old friend, and by the time her trip was coming to an end, they were madly in love. Within a month, his parents moved him down and within a few months they were married. Since they have no family in Austin, we’ve become their “Texas Parents”, and we’re nothing like the rest of their friends, who are all young. lol. This trip will be a nice get away, but it’ll be a quick one.

While there, I hope to go to the Omaha Zoo on Friday, then they’re having a big party at the families home that night. Then Saturday we’ll go to Lincoln to see Rod, then recover Sunday, before driving home on Monday.

So, you’ll see me that following Tuesday for date night, but I’ll have to reschedule the Monday VNA show…. maybe I’ll do a late, late show Thursday? Any thoughts?


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