My Blog

Are You Ready?

I love my online world, or else, I couldn’t do it. I’ve come to really enjoy my days and I look froward to catching up with my fella’s. Without you guys, it would be incredibly boring! I don’t expect, or even require, you guys to go private or give gold. The company you guys give me is priceless! You guys also give me patience. Patience with those who go out of their way to push my buttons.

Here’s one guy that tries my patience each day that I see him. I’d say each time, but when I do see him, it’s all fucking day long, and it is always the same result.

Viking: Hi.

Me: Hi, how are you?

*he leaves*

10 minutes later:

Viking: Hi.

Me: Hi how are you?

*he leaves*

This goes on all fucking day.

6 hours later:

Viking: Are you ready?

Me: Yes.

*he leaves*

1 hour later:

Viking: Do you want to play?

Me: Yes

*We go private for all of 2 minutes.*


Okay, 2 minutes, that’s fun, but all fucking day of playing that game and it’s been going on for over a year… so, the other day I said something when he asked if I was ready. I haven’t seen him since. LOL.


Here’s another one I get daily.

Him: Hi, baby.

Me: How are you?

Him: How are you?

Me: Great, thanks. How are you?

Him: You sure have beautiful feet.

Me: Thanks, I take good care of them. Blah blah. What’s going on today?

Him: Want to stand up?

Me: Yes, I really do want to stand up.

Him: Can you show me your feet?

Me: Can you show me your wallet? lol.

Him: I can’t hear you. I have no speakers

Me: *big eye roll* Dude! I am not a fucking mind reader! Don’t you think you should have told me that 5 minutes ago before I had a one sided conversation?

Him: sorry. So, can you stand up?


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