My Blog

A Tuesday Double Feature

I’m doing something I’ve never done before, but I think it’ll make for an unprecedented evening. I will not only be doing our regularly scheduled “Date Night” at 8p EST, but will also be doing another hour long at 11p EST.

Tuesday, July 1st, is MtnMan’s birthday, and he’s in the west, which means he’s still working at 8p EST… but, he’ll be home and ready to celebrate with us at 11p EST. I’d love for you to join me for both hours, if you’re able to.

Here’s the Tuesday night line up:

8p EST – 1hour

11p EST – 1hour

These shows are for the members of my site, to be accessed through the Streamte banner on my club home page. If you’re new to the group, please don’t be intimidated. My fella’s are a friendly bunch who are always happy to welcome a new friend into the ever growing group.

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