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A Twitter DM Conversation with @blueservicecrew

Here’s my conversation with @blueservicecrew

Me: Are you the same person that runs the FB page?

SEARS: Yes, we work as a team.

Me: We still have not had any resolution regarding our fridge. My husband has talked to the FB person who says a Claims Manager will be in contact with us ASAP. That was Monday. My husband has contacted FB twice since then and we’re told to be patient. There are a lot of claims after the holiday… our claim has been on going for a month. At this point we’re stuck w/ Saturday as being the earliest something can be done. However, I already know that the serviceman will come. Look at it. Order another part.. then it’ll be another week w/o a fridge.

SEARS: We understand your urgency but want to assure you we are doing everything we can to reach a resolution for you and your husband.

Me: Which is the same solution we’ve had for a month. To wait for another service call, which is always a week out. We’ve paid the $$ I’d like to know that it matters. Being w/o a fridge for a month is not easy. It’s not an old fridge. In fact, it’s under 3 yrs old. The serviceman told us that this model has had problems… so, it’s clearly a bad product. I want food in my house.

SEARS: We know how vital a fridge is to a home. You will be able to discuss your options and reach a satisfying resolution with your manager.

Me: Is this a real person, or a computer w/ automated responses? No one will let us speak to a manager, nor has a “case manager” contacted us

SEARS: We are real people, trying to help. We can promise you that you will be contacted. Sometimes this process takes more time than desired.

Me: I understand that. We’ve been patient for a month. That’s 4 weeks, 30 days, 720 hours. We were patient until Friday, July 3rd, when a serviceman was out, replaced several parts, and then left. We asked him to stay to make sure it was fixed this time. He said it was. Then left. My husband called SEARS within 2 hours. He was assured he’d have an emergency call back ASAP. “Emergency” that was a word used by the CSR We had a party at our house on July 4th without a fridge. No call back. Monday my husband spent another 3 hours on the phone and was told an emergency service call would be Saturday the 12th… so for you to say that it takes longer than desired sometimes, is outrageous. 

SEARS: Since your case was created on Sears Facebook we ask that you keep the conversation there so we can keep record on one channel. Also, we ask that you refrain from repetitive posting as it disrupts the flow of communication.

Me: Speaking of communication, when is someone going to call? The FB “person” said someone would be in touch on Monday. It’s now Wednesday.

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