My Blog

Milo, No!

… in other words, “Devil, NO!” The other night I walked onto the porch to find a grey kitten, who couldn’t be older than 8 weeks old. HeMilo skidaddled as soon as I walked out. I caught a glimpse of him as he darted for cover under the house. It was raining, so I didn’t see him again until the morning. He has a spot near the hot tub that he sits on, lying in wait, using his natural instincts to decide of the deck is clear of people. I watched him through our living room window. His whole body would shake when he was ready to run for it, as though he was winding himself up to shoot from his perch all the way to the food bowl on the deck. It was rather cute. I watched him through the kitchen door once he made it to the deck. He happily ate Nelson’s cats food and then approached two of the Monsters, who didn’t budge. Later in the day Tony was hunting birds while Tigger and Milo sat side by side, watching…. dude, NO!

I told Devil when I found him the first night, we’re not keeping him. Our fucking neighbors need to stop dropping their animals at our driveway. He needs to catch him and then find a new home. One who will love him, and that home is not ours. lol.


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