My Blog

Latest Happenings in My World

G’afternoon! As most of you have probably guessed, I missed yesterdays “New Release”, which is a rarity for me. I will have a new set for you on Monday. I’m not sure if it’ll be a set of pictures, or a video we film this weekend. Do you guys have a preference?

This past week had a quiet start to it, with Devil out of town, but upon his return, that changed. Not necessarily his fault. You see, we are upgrading our A/C in the house, and it’s going to be life changing. It gets so hot in the summers, and the north wind beats us to hell in the winters. It’s either warm or freezing in the house, during the worst months. Granted, that’s not each month, but it makes a huge difference. We’ve been saving and pinching pennies for the last several months and finally ordered a 3-piece unit, which arrived Friday. Devil spent all day Thursday and Friday working on the install outside. Then last night on the inside units. Today he’s under the house running the copper tubing and electric, and it’ll hopefully be ready to use tonight. it’s just like the one we installed in the Studio last month, thanks, in large part, to you fella’s. If you sent an Amazon GC in the spring, you’re the reason I was able to purchase the studio unit two months ago. The difference that made in my world was huge, and the reason we realized we needed to upgrade our house sooner, rather than later.

If you’re wondering if that’s the interruption I tweeted about yesterday, it wasn’t. My interruption had nothing to do with any of that, actually. I was stung by a wasp, on the top of my head. Same exact situation as last week. I opened the studio door to walk out and wasn’t even over the threshold, both times, the wasp flew right into me before I knew what hit me. Anyway, I put baking soda paste on my scalp, iced it immediately and took a ton of Benadryl and Advil. Much to my dismay, nothing stopped my face from swelling up. I woke up yesterday morning and couldn’t open my right eye. I went to the doctor, he gave me a steroid shot and I spent all day on the couch with ice bags on my face. I’m still taking Benadryl and Advil, as advised. So, the steroid shot should have given me tons of energy, according to the doc, but I had no problem taking 4 naps yesterday, with ice sitting on my face. LOL.

I wasn’t going to share another mishap with the wasp, with you guys, but after realizing my schedule was interrupted again, and it has been quiet obvious my right eye and cheek are dis-formed, I should let you know what the reason is behind it… I didn’t really think much of it until Devil asked me to let you know he didn’t hit me. LOL. So, there you have it, if you were even wondering. lol

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