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The Barbed Wire Ways..


I’m always fascinated by tidbits of history and how things came about. We’re currently watching an Amazon series about America. It takes you back in time to show you how life was during a certain period, why a certain event caused an invention that was meant to be a quick solution, and how that invention transformed America.

During the great cattle drive from Texas to Nebraska, the families that migrated to the mid west to farm the land was being trampled by the herds moving through their crops. The cowboy’s had one concern, and it wasn’t the farms being destroyed by their wild herds. There seemed to be no stopping them, and the farmers were losing a lot of hard work and money, all at the expense of the Cowboy’s…. until one farmer made barbed wire and fenced his entire property, keeping the herds off of his crops. That was his solution to his problem, which turned into a mass produced invention. Within years he made enough barbed wire fencing to go around the world not once, but twice! The history behind that invention just fascinates me!



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