My Blog

It’s NOT Wednesday!

I really hate when Devil wakes up before me. That might sound harsh, but it’s really not. He’s not quiet. I’m slowly waking up once he’s out of bed because of the ruckus he’s making, but then he gets back in bed to check FB and he falls into the bed, bouncing my side. How could he not notice? I mean, he has to be aware of that, right? He should also be aware that waking me up like that is going to one day cause me to beat him with my bat. Okay, that part is a bit harsh, but seriously, suddenly I’m awake and not too thrilled. Do I say something? Nope. I have no intentions of interfering with his fucking sudden burst of morning energy, however, I would have liked some kind of warning last night that today was going to hate me from the beginning. Once he realizes I’m awake, as though that was a shock, he tells me we need to run one of our cars to my nephews for some body work. Long story. Anyway, I just say okay… and watch the news for 30 minutes, then get up and throw clothes on, while my coffee brews one cup to get me over wanting to beat him. We’re out of milk, but I have almond milk for my smoothies and use that instead, not realizing it’s spoiled. The expiration date is sometime in September. How could it be that the universe hates me now, too?!? I mean, I didn’t do anything yesterday, to warrant such a start to my day. Did I? Maybe it’s Davy Crockett releasing the wrath of the Texans on me. I don’t fucking know. So, off we went, without coffee. As I get into the SUV, Devil tells me I’m going to have to stop at the Gas Station because we’re on fumes. “Woosa” does not work. It is an ineffective way of finding zen and whoever came up with it can go fuck themselves!

Once back home, Devil is still oblivious to the morning I’m having. LOL. After I showered, he decided to spray the dog kennel with a cattle spray, which is a huge process. At this point, I really wanted to inform him it’s not fucking Wednesday, but at the same time, it needs to be done so we stay ahead of the fleas. Although, I just showered. I was in a dilemma so I I went out to the pen and told Dora, his dog, what a pain in the fucking ass she’s turned out to be from the very beginning of her rescue. LOL. She got very excited. Something tells me, she either doesn’t care or doesn’t realize that wasn’t a compliment. LOL. We pulled all three dogs from the pen, tied them to their designated trees, and then got it ready for the spray.

Once he started, I went back inside to do my morning chores and to make my way to the studio…. I walked out and he was trimming the trees. WTF? Dude, it is not Wednesday! I made my way to the pen, that is now littered in huge branches and limbs and just said- good job! I’m going to the studio.

It is not Wednesday. Right? Oy! All of that is on my list, but for Wednesday. Not Tuesday. He didn’t get the memo.

At any rate, I’ll be on cam all day and into the night and am going to find my mother fucking “happy”… I’m certain it’s just been misplaced and possibly a little beaten. LOL.

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