My Blog

The Runner

Our neighbor a few properties over is a runner, no matter the weather. If it’s raining, she’s runs. If it’s freezing balls cold, she runs. If it’s blazing balls hot, she is out running. It’s inspirational, as far as dedication, but seriously, who does that? It’s always at the hottest time of the day, too. That’s what’s so crazy! Devil was at the end of our drive one day when she was running by and she stopped for a visit. We’ve met her before when her dog breached Tyson’s perimeter. lol. She said she loves the heat. The hotter the better for her, and that’s why she always runs around 4p, and it’s always a couple miles one way. Regardless of her being crazy, she has a very dark tan now. I mean, DARK. Is it wrong that I want to see her naked? I just want to see her tan lines because she doesn’t run in a bikini, she always wears long running shorts and a top, showing no mid-drift. Oh, and I want to see her boobs, too, but that really goes without saying. So… is it wrong? lol

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