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Respect Yourself

Last week a hacker was able to get into computers and access personal pictures of celebrities. Every news channel and internet news feed reported on the story. There are many opinions on the matter, and probably  more speculation than fact, but everyone agrees that those pictures were never meant to go public. They were private. Personal.

One news anchor, who I’ve always respected, disappointed me in her reaction. Although, she agrees that the celebrities were victimized, she said, “respect yourself and your body.” She went on to say that if she had respected herself enough, the pictures wouldn’t have been taken and now they wouldn’t be public. In conclusion, the hacker would never have found those pictures, had they not been on her personal computer.

It baffles me how people can be so closed minded on the simplest of matters. They were on her PERSONAL computer. They were obviously taken for her, and she probably had someone in mind when she took them. She’s comfortable in her own skin, which is something the news anchor apparently has issues with. Regardless of the reasons as to why she took the pictures, she has rights to those, and to keep them private. She has nothing to be ashamed of and it’s infuriating that women continue to project their shame on others.

I think that the news anchor has a right to feel shame, if that’s really what she believes in. It’s just disappointing she doesn’t realize the person who was hacked has the right to privacy, no matter what was stolen.


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