My Blog

Up and Adam!

Mom would always come into my room and say “Up and at ’em” if I slept past 730a, and it was infuriating at times. Well, mainly because I thought she was calling me Adam and that’s clearly not my name, but also because I didn’t think I was going to miss much at 730 in the freaking morning. With that said, I’m now programmed to feel like a bum if I’m not up and at ’em, no matter the day of the week. I’ve been having bouts of insomnia again, which means I”m awake until dawn and I sleep until noon. That will put me in a fowl mood when I realize I’ve slept the morning away! Last night, I went right to sleep, though, and slept until dawn. With it being Wednesday I’d normally be ecstatic. However, a friend crashed on the couch last night and she’s still sleeping, even though she was supposed to be on the road at 430a…. and, of course Devil is still sawing logs. I watched the news for an hour, then played a word game on my phone for another hour. I was up at 8, made coffee and then walked to the studio. I figured I’d go ahead and clean my cam room and then get started on my usual Wednesday chores…. but they’re still sleeping! The older I get, the more I realize I am my mother, but one thing I won’t do to someone is go into the room and say “up and at ’em”. Or, here’s another one she loved to say, “g’morning Sunshine!”. Pfft! who the fuck are you calling sunshine?

My plans for today are to clean the house, take care of a few wasps nests in the barn, laundry, blog, emails, site stuff and maybe even watch a few episodes of Criminal Minds. But, none of that happens until the couch is vacated. lol.

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