My Blog

Again, Really? *face palm*

I realize old habits die hard, and sometimes you fall into habits out of convenience. Sears is one habit I firmly believe Devil needs to give up. For years we’ve gone to their auto shop for new tires. It’s true we’ve always had great customer service, but that is only because there has never been an issue. He usually orders the tires the night before, then sets an appointment the next morning and he drops the vehicle off at the set time, going back a couple hours later. It’s easy. It’s convenient. I get that, I really do. I’m not one to make a stand against a business, or even against an organization. It’s not in my personality to cause waves. I go along, to get along. It’s my lifetime motto and it’s kept peace and harmony in my world, more than not. With all that said. I take a stand against Sears, the entire organization of idiots and assholes. I’ve told all of our friends, family and even anyone online that will listen, that Sears is not a business that is deserving of our patronize. Now that I’ve said all of that, again, let me tell you what happened this morning.

Last night Devil placed an order for two rear tires. He ordered them for the southwest location, but after he checked out it was the northeast location. Assuming he made the error, he called Sears this morning to simply move the order to the location that best suits us. I’m not sure what dream he woke up in, but he really thought it would be an easy fix. Normally, for any other company, yes. For Sears. NO! The lady on the phone told him that he’d have to pick up the tires in northeast Austin and take them to the southwest location if that’s where he wants to do his business at. Devil, very patiently, explained to her that we live west of town and we’ve always bought tires at the one location. To drive northeast would be a huge hassle and there would be no point in picking the tires up to transport them to another location to have them put on the car. That just doesn’t make sense. She placed him on hold for another person to get on the line and tell him they could do a refund, taking 7 business days to credit our checking, and then he could place another order with her, for the correct location. He then calls the actual location..

Devil: Hi, how are you?

Devil: Good, good. I’m hoping you can help me with something. I’ve been using your location for ten years now for tires and regular maintenance on all of our vehicles. Last night I made a mistake when ordering two tires, and instead of selecting your location, I accidentally chose one that is an hour northeast. Could you have that order redirected to your location for me?

Sears Inept Associate: No. We can’t do that. Bye. ….

Wow! Seriously? How are they still in business? Do they employ idiots or is it because of their policies and irate customers they must deal with on a daily basis that has turned all associates into inept assholes?

Devil then calls a local company, that is literally 10 minutes from us, and asks them about tires and they’re able to do it for $5 cheaper and they’re local! I’m a firm believer that local businesses should be supported in order to keep out the bigger companies who have the monopoly.

#searsservicesucks – this is one hashtag that I approve of! LOL.

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