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Let’s Make a Stand!

You guys know my love of Thanksgiving, so you know my disdain for the retailers. I won’t get into my two-decade-long hate for corporations and their disrespect of what the holiday’s really stand for. What I will reiterate is that black Friday has always come the day after Thanksgiving. It’s been like that for as long as anyone can remember. Although, the first actual black Friday dates back to the 70’s, but didn’t become so popular until about 12 years ago. With that said, I’m of the opinion that we’ve been conditioned to accept the crazy sales and the absurd hours and crowds this day brings. Are the sales really all that great? NO! If you think about it, the amazing sales that these corporate suits throw out there to “dangle the carrot” are big items that NO ONE GIFTS TO ANOTHER! The items are $3,000 TV’s, surround sounds, theater packages and furniture. Come on!

Last year they stole Thanksgiving from their employees and we, as a society, rejoiced and supported their decision. It took families away from the dinner table and behind the cash registers, all in the name of making the rich richer. There was no reason to do that, except they wanted a jump start on the holiday’s. Those employers were at home, with their families, being served by their servants, laughing all the way to the bank.

Macy’s just announced that they’ll be opening their stores at 6P on Thanksgiving. It infuriates me that our neighbors won’t be enjoying that day with family and friends because they have to work. It breaks my heart for them, their kids and what that day should mean for everyone. It angers me that consumers will support Macy’s, and all of the other retailers that follow suit. It’s not fair to the kids, the families and the hard working people, who have no choice but to go in and punch a clock while everyone else is rejoicing.

If you take a stand, albeit a silent one, and vow to not shop big retailers for the holiday’s, and then your neighbors and family follows suit, then maybe opening up on Thanksgiving won’t be worth it for Macy’s and all the other corporate jackasses who has lost sight of being good to their employees. Shop locally; support the mom and pop shops and give unique gifts, instead of something anyone can find at a damn Macy’s. Hell, shop online for all I care, but do not support the Walmart’s and Target’s. They don’t need the money and they’re stealing Turkey Day from the good families that deserve to have that one day to not have to worry about working for minimum wage. If you cannot do this, then at least vow to not shop on Thanksgiving Day.

Pass the word! Get angry and start discouraging your friends, co-workers and family from shopping on November 27th of this year.

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