My Blog

It’s National Cat Day!

Tigger, being Tigger, even on the drive home.
Tigger, being Tigger, even on the drive home.

I just found out it’s National Cat Day, which means I have to share some pictures from

The drive home was over an hour. They had to take a nap.
The drive home was over an hour. They had to take a nap.

their trip home. Devil sat in the back while I drove, and was telling him I’m not sure about this. They’re cute and furry right now, but how about just picking one. We still have time to toss the other two out at the next light. They’ll find a happy home, just look at them. They’ll be just fine!  They look like survivors. To that he said- they will be just fine because they’re all three going to stay together… forever. Ack! The thought of three totally freaked me out, and continued to freak me out for months! However, now I love them and I think they love me back. It’s hard to tell. They’re Monsters.

They’ve turned into very affectionate cats, and they all have their own personalities. Garfield. He’s Mr. Grumpy Pants and the most vocal. Tigger. He’s jumpy and our resident Scaredy Cat. Tony. He’s curious and easy going, all in one.


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