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Happy Halloween!

Here’s wishing you all a very happy and safe Halloween! I know that some people go all out for Halloween and others hide. I might fall into the second category. I’d love to hear if you’re a Holloweenster or if you turn off your lights and hide. Do you go all out with decorations and candy for the kids, or do you hope that the parents know that a dark house is a “no candy for your kids” house? We turn off our lights where we live, but we wouldn’t get many kids anyway, not down our driveway, or in our area.

I’m also curious to know what Halloween was like for you, as a kid. For me, it was simple. Dad and Granny stayed behind to give out candy to the kids and Mom drove us around to the neighborhoods. We lived in a ranching community and it was desolate so my parents knew most of the neighbors; she’d drop us off at one end and we’d walk the entire street while she’d wait for us at the other end..pretty safe back then. I was always Olive Oyl, Popeye’s lady. Do you remember the old plastic apron costumes with the plastic masks? That’s what it was and the year that it ripped was the year dad declared was the last year trick-or-treating needed to take place in our house.

What is your favorite Halloween story? I’d love to hear all about it…

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