My Blog

Many Reasons to be Thankful

I get so busy in the everyday things, that sometimes I forget to stop and show my thanks. Today is my favorite day of the year for many reasons. First, and foremost, it’s the one day that we slow down and enjoy the company of friends and family. It’s the day we reconnect with those we’ve lost touch with, and it’s the day that no one is in a hurry. I’m thankful for the chance to have this day, and to spend it with friends who have become our family. I’m also thankful for you guys. When I started my site in 2006, it was just a “hobby”. I had no idea I would be blessed with so many of you whom have become part of my world. Each one of you adds something different and special, even if you don’t realize it.

I hope that whatever it is you choose to do today, that it’s a good day for you. I want all of my fella’s to be happy, and to feel loved. For those in the U.S – I wish you nothing but the best on this Thanksgiving Day. Despite the history behind today. LOL. For those around the world, I hope you’re having a wonderful day, too! Happy Day to you!

Thank you, one and all, for being a part of my life. *hugs*

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