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Holiday Socks With Fuzzy Stuff on Top!

21FRSj14p4LI added socks to my wishlist, even after I vowed against more foot warmers. Just hear me out. They don’t count because they’re holiday socks with fuzzy stuff on top! They’re fun and awesome and they have fuzzy stuff on top! So they really don’t count.

Now that we have that out of the way, I also added nipple clamps to the list, as requested. Ack! I like my nipples to have feelings so I spent some time choosing and I think they’ll survive. LOL.

Bob, one of my Aussie fella’s, sent them both, and he wasn’t even the one that made the request for the clamps. What a fun and, very thoughtful, surprise! I cannot wait to wear the clamps in a set of pictures, but especially the socks! They’re all kinds of fun!

Thank you, Bob! (I loved the message you sent, too.)

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