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Ted E. and His Storied Past

If you know Dwwindsor, then you know about Ted E. I have decided it’s time to share his story with you today. (lol)

His "peeps" set up a bed for his afternoon nap session.
His “peeps” set up a bed for his afternoon nap session.

Ted E., the cat, once resided in the drug lords lair. Not by choice, but more of circumstance, and certainly not because of privilege. Much to the dismay of popular belief, not all cats rule their roost. Nope, Ted E. was under the

He delivers coffee to Sir Dwwindsor. This is his way to make his "peeps" believe they are in charge. He knows what he is doing.
He delivers coffee to Sir Dwwindsor. This is his way to make his “peeps” believe they are in charge. He knows what he is doing.

roof of terrible means, and he had to be a scrapper, no doubt, just to fend for himself and find the food he needed. Days came and went, seasons passed and then one day he found himself out on the sidewalk. Kicked from the house! That’s right, the drug lord was tired of his presence and evicted him! Sweet Ted E. who probably had to be feisty just to get a morsle of food, was kicked out of his own house. So, while at a cross road in life, he studied his options. He could possibly become a hobo and steal food from cats who is fortunate to actually have a privileged life, or he could step into the road and see where the street takes him. The choices were grim. Ted E. who is a thinker, set and pondered his options, with his back to the drug lords lair, and then he suddenly looked to the house next to him. It was as though the heavens were shining down on the house who had a very appealing, much kinder energy about it, and that’s when he had an epiphany. He suddenly knew his purpose in this life; to take over House Dwwindsor! The heavens were singing and praising him as he proudly picked up his tail and strolled onto the front stoop. After taking in his new surroundings, one of which would be his forever home, he decided to make himself comfortable, until the Mistress of the house opened the door… then he jetted in, and never left! From time to time Sir Dwwindsor makes an appearance, but it is obvious that Ted E. is there to stay, and his house guests couldn’t be happier. Love is in Ted E. and now that the guests have brought a new pup into his world, he slaps her into shape and harmony is restored. It is truly a match made in heaven. Ted E. has a much better home, and the drug lord has to live with his mistakes because this one slaps him in the face each time he sees Ted E. running point from the stoop next door… Ted E.’s good life started the day he was evicted by the drug lord.

Don't be alarmed. This litter box, cat nap area 51, is better than any of his sleeping arrangements at the drug lords. He is King of his roost, even when sleeping in the litter box.
Don’t be alarmed. This litter box, cat nap area 51, is better than any of his sleeping arrangements at the drug lords. He is King of his roost, even when sleeping in the litter box.
It isn't what it appears. He is not stealing the toast; he's actually taking what is already his. Besides, who knows when his reign will come to an end. He must hoard his loot while he can.
It isn’t what it appears. He is not stealing the toast; he’s actually taking what is already his. Besides, who knows when his reign will come to an end. He must hoard his loot while he can.

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