My Blog

Happy Holiday’s, Santa!!!

No matter what your beliefs are, most celebrate today, and for that, I’d like to wish you all a very happy Holiday, and the best of luck for the new year ahead.

We are low key today, with the exception of going to my sister-in-laws house. Some years it’s a quick visit, drop off gifts, and head home. Other times it’s an all afternoon and into the evening event. No matter what it is you choose to do today, I hope it’s what YOU want to do, because you really do matter! Enjoy today for what it is, not what society tells you it should be. If it’s sitting at home catching up on Tivo, or watching old movies on Netflix, then that’s what I want for you. If it’s going to the local bar to visit with friends, then have a drink for me! Maybe you’re the one that checks in on the elderly, or takes toys to the shelter. If you are, I commend you. We should all be more like that. If you’re the family man who has several houses to visit today, I’ll share an Amp with you, and we’ll drink later. lol. My point is, I want you to have a good day, no matter what it is that you’re doing.

Today starts “The Twelve Days of Christmas” and in honor of that, there will be a new update on my site every day, for the next 12 days. They’ll be an eclectic mix of new and old, festive with holiday cheer and every day fun.

Rodney, thank you for the fun outfit, as always, it’s exactly what I needed to make this set more enthusiastic and brimming with that holiday fucking cheer.


Happy fucking Holiday’s, friends.

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