My Blog

This Week at a Glance

G’afternoon! It’s Monday, again, and so we start over from the beginning. I guess. I don’t know. Why do you suppose Monday’s are such a drag? It seems as though it doesn’t matter what your schedule is, today is never a welcomed sight. For me, Monday’s don’t signify the start of the week like it does for most, and I still have a hard time getting motivated. And, this Monday was not any different. I woke up early and had a ton of stuff to do, and still lolly gagged all morning. However, I did do what I needed to and even ran an unexpected errand and made a phone call. So, all in all it’s been a success already!

I’ll be online all week, with little to no interruptions. WOOT! Today I’m starting later than planned, but I’ll be online well into the night, so it works out..

Monday- all afternoon and into the night on Streamate

8p EST VNA show for members (follow the links through my club page)

Tuesday- all afternoon and into the night on Streamate

8p EST show for members (click on the Sreamate banner through my club page)

Wednesday- Won’t be online

Thursday- all afternoon and into the night on Streamate

Friday- all afternoon and into the night on Streamate

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