My Blog

A Few Late Thank You’s

I’m sitting in the kitchen with my first cup of coffee, which took forever to brew this morning, and while I’m trying to keep Tony out of the living room, I’m also trying to think up a blog post. It’s not even 10a, so Monday better watch out; It’s going to be an exciting day. lol.

I’ve just intercepted Tony for the third time and I suddenly realized I fell short on the holiday thank you’s this year. I did make several individual posts for most, but not all.

Red, you stopped by the house for a nice visit and a care package of goodies and great conversation. Although, a hectic day for you, and a busy one for me, it was a welcomed break in my Wednesday. Thank you for always making time, even when I am aware that you don’t have much extra to give.

I woke up super early on Christmas day, for no reason other than I was overly excited to have a day with no plans besides spending it on the couch. Before 8a, I had already answered email, blogged, tweeted and had a few cups of coffee. I was snuggled under blankets and about ready to take my first nap when my phone dinged with an email. Outlaw, you surprised me with an Amazon GC, which was a sweet, sweet surprise. Thank you!

MtnMan, you sent a package of unexpected socks and fuzzy leg warmers that just make me smile! Those will be worn for many, many holiday’s and cold nights to come. Right after Outlaw’s message came in, I received another Amazon GC from you. Never expected and always a surprise. You are incredibly generous and giving. Thank you!

To those of you that spend evenings with me on cam, thank you, one and all. You guys are great company and it means a lot that you share your time with me. Whether it’s just a brief stop by, or a long visit, you guys truly are a bright spot in my days.

If you’re wondering, Tony is in the living room and it’s still not 10a, yet.

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