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The Coffee Bean Pooping Cat

If you were in the VNA show this week, watch the Food Network, or know all there is to know about coffee beans and their origins, you have probably heard about the Civet Cat. They poop coffee beans! In the Philippines it’s called the foxe dung coffee, which is weird because it’s actually pooped from the cat. At any rate, they eat coffee cherries and then digest it, and wallah, the beans follow. One pound of beans can cost as much as $600 and 1 cup goes for around a hundred dollars. That is fucking ridiculous. However, if you ever find yourself in the Philippines wilds where the civet cats roam, I suggest you scoop up as many as you can. Perhaps a trash bag and brew the beans a few times before throwing them out. Then you can get several cups out of one scoop. Just an idea.

Oh, also, the civet cat has more than just that one talent. In fact, they’re known for their heavy musky scent, which can be found in perfumes. Yep. I’ve never cared for musky perfumes and now I’m very thankful that I don’t wear them. Blech! “Would you like some cat spray on you?”


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