My Blog

Forgive My Thoughtlessness, Cliff and Hedo. PLEASE?

I was in such a hurry to post a few blog threads before we left on our trip, that I carelessly left off two, very important, thank-you’s for the annual bash.

Hedo- you travel the farthest, and always have an unexpected delay on your return trip, due to terrible NJ weather. This never deters you from making plans to return, nor do you complain about the extra cost to your airfare, hotel room and extra days of the rental car. You just make adjustments and we enjoy the extra days. You always help with the set up, no matter what it is. Some years it’s been chopping wood (sorry about that), other years it’s been cleaning up a messy deck, due to windy weather, and some years you’ve had to run errands and still help with random set up. You fly in a couple days early, knowing you’ll be working your ass off for a party that is, in large part, to celebrate YOUR birthday. I enjoyed having lunch with you, while you were stuck in Texas for two extra days, and you made me laugh while we window shopped around the small town. It was relaxing and fun. Thank you!

20150131_141144Cliff- I have no idea how I could have possibly not added you to the initial post, because your rolls are the best homemade treats ever! I enjoy them for breakfast, for lunch, dinner and a midnight snack. This year you made biscuits, too! Those were deliciously awesome with strawberry jam. Deliciousness in my mouth! It means a lot to me that you always bring homemade rolls. I love that you know how much I enjoy them… and sense you love to make them, and I love to eat, this relationship really works great! LOL. Thank you!

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