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The White Elephant

635607754192928622--gtf-522169230A rare white elephant has been found and she’s cute! She has head full of white fuzz and I would love to give her a hug! I hope she hasn’t had to experience life on her own. That would be sad and lonely! She’s the ninth white elephant to be found in Burma, and they regard her as royalty of good luck, which makes me happy to hear! That means she won’t be chained and forced into slavery. That would be, by far, worse than living a lonely life in the wild. The chain on her leg concerns me, though. It’s sometimes a shame that elephants are such gentle souls, or else they would be more dangerous to be captured. I think she needs a name. Kei. Japanese mean blessed, lucky, happy, respectful, spring, and sunny. I think that sums up most elephants. 🙂

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