My Blog

Getting My Groove Back

I’ve never had a hard time with motivation and staying productive… until this winter. Granted, we have not had a terrible winter, compared to the mid west and northeastern states, but it’s been long and unstable, to say the least. Our first cold front was the beginning of September, along with 6″ of rain. I’ll never complain about rain! Then it warmed back up but was a nice, comfortable fall, but was followed by a colder than normal start to November and was constantly windy, for two weeks. December was unseasonably warm and the first two weeks of January was spring like weather. Then it seemed like we had wind advisories, flood watches and freezing rain the rest of January and all the way through February. Not unusual for the second month of the year, mind you, but the up and down mixed with rain, ice and heavy winds put me in a slump. For the first time, I felt a bit depressed. I was having a hard time getting out of bed and when I did, I had no desire to keep up with the house so I’d let it go until Wednesday.. which would make me want to cry. lol. You’d think the first week of that would have given me the desire and energy to get back into my routine, but it didn’t… for five weeks! I couldn’t even get to the studio before 5p, even though I was trying most of the day. Ack! I don’t like that feeling. So, Tuesday I cleaned the house on my dinner break, Wednesday I started getting stuff ready for taxes and Thursday I woke up by the alarm and walked straight to the shower! After I was ready for my day, I cleaned the kitchen and picked up the house… and was in the studio at 1p!!! I’m feeling pretty fucking successful about it, truth be told, but won’t completely celebrate until I make it two days in row.. then it could be said that I’m back in my groove! Wish me luck because having my “zen” back is what keeps me happy and pleasant on cam. lol. I cannot stand to be out of sync with no desire to do anything.

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