My Blog

Front Brakes Engaged

Tigger has always been the sweet one, but ready to confront when needed. lol.
Tigger has always been the sweet one, but ready to confront when needed. lol.

Have you ever forced a pet outside in the pouring rain? I was on cam last night until about 4a, getting to bed around 430 with Tony snuggling between me and Devil, and Tigger in his normal spot, at Devil’s feet. I drifted off to sleep soon after I crawled under the covers and Tigger was smacking me with his paws at 5… only thirty minutes after I got to bed. I stumbled to the front door and he sees that it’s torrential downpours and backs up to let me know he’s reconsidered. Back to bed we go, just for him to be in my face soon after I fell back to sleep and this time I swooped him up in my arms before he knew what hit him! I opened the door and Tony ran right out, never even thinking twice. However, Tigger realized his mistake soon after I gently placed him outside, and then gave him a shove into the rain, but his front brakes were engaged and when I pushed him he went ass over end. lol. He looked back at me with his big eyes and I shut the door and I felt terrible until I fell asleep and was able to stay sleeping until a few hours later when the alarm went off…. and Devil opened the front door just to have Tigger dart in and find his way back to bed… do you think that’ll teach him to stop fucking with me at 5a? NO! This is not the first time he’s been forced out into bad weather. lol. Thankfully he has a short memory because he was very happy to see me when he jumped into the warm, dry bed.

Tigger Happily Curled Up in His Comforter.. and Dry!
Tigger Happily Curled Up in His Comforter.. and Dry!

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