My Blog

Wish Me Luck

Devil called a short while ago and he’s taking off at 8p tonight. He’s been working 12 hour days for the last two weeks, which has left him very little time to do anything besides sleep when he’s home. With that said, the kitchen is bare. I went to the store on Wednesday and he laughed at me when I asked if he wanted to add anything to the list… so, I didn’t get anything for him. LOL. Spiteful? Maybe. I made meatloaf. It sucked. He pretended to be shocked. LOL.

Anyway, the point of this post is that he asked me to go to HEB and I want to know what I’ve done to piss him off. It’s Sunday, which is the worst day to go, and I hate shopping, of any kind. When I went to the store a few days ago it was at 10a and no one was there… it is now 530p on the worst day of the week. I hope that everyone is where they should be, which is a church of their choosing…. wish me luck!

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