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A Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse = a Ton of Douche Baggery

Good lord! I appreciate the beauty of a full moon, especially when it’s red, or on the special occasion it’s actually blue. However, I am starting to hate full moon days/nights spent on cam! The crazies are out in full force and it is all about them spreading their douche baggery. In fact, it’s contagious. I’m just thankful that my fella’s aren’t affected, too much, by the epidemic spread of such a disease, or else I’d be non-existent online several days each month… Hell, I’d probably go underground for the entire week of the full moon!

Here’s some amusing conversations today-

I want you to squirt, but would like to know if you’re going to waste time getting to it…

Wow. You look great for your age.

(takes me private without even a conversation) Him: I want you to do a role play. Do you want to do a role play? Me: sure, what do you have in mind? Him: What do you want to RP? Me: *big breath* well, I do a lot of mom/son. Him: Okay, neighbors son. Me: How would you like to start? Him: neighbors son Me: Yep, got that much. What is the premise of this RP, besides neighbors son? Him: I can’t type much. Neighbors son. Me: *big eye roll* Okay, cool. stroke your cock while I get naked…. neighbors son. Him: You suck! Me: Yeah, I am feeling that right now. LOL! … and he left.

Show me here, in free chat, that you’re worth my money in private.

Him: Why did you ban my friend last week? That wasn’t very nice. You seem nice. But that wasn’t nice. Me: well hello there, Ambush. I don’t know who your “friend” is, but maybe he should buy a personality before he get’s banned from another room. Him: yeah, he doesn’t have manners. Me: and you asked me why he was banned? Am I missing something? Him: Can you unban him? Me: unban is not a word, but no, I’m not going to lift the ban he obviously worked hard for. This conversation is ridiculously annoying so I’m going to ban you now, too. Maybe you guys can create a support group to get through this hard time. Bye.

Each month I think each Full Moon makes them weirder, but the conversations today might top them all!

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