My Blog

Secret Garden

When I was a kid, I watched “The Secret Garden” with Mom and fell in love with the beauty created by flowers and plants. I’ve always dreamed of having my own secret garden, but between the deer and our epic drought, it’s been slow going and a little bit frustrating. It’s taken me years to figure out what will survive both, the drought and deer. Those that the deer ate, are now covering my deck in containers and have created a very relaxing oasis. What didn’t survive the drought, will not be replaced. The several vines, bushes and ground covers that have flourished in the yard are what I’m going to concentrate on, and with Red’s over abundance of generosity, I hope to have a secret garden by this fall! I’ve been stashing all of his generous gifts and now I’m ready to spend a little bit each visit I make to the gardener. This week I added two more Jasmine Vine’s, several Fringe Flower shrubs and a few Lantana’s. I took a leap and also added a couple Honeysuckle vines to the mix because they’re native to central Texas and I assume deer must not like them, or else they wouldn’t thrive in their natural habitat. I hope I’m right, or else I’m going to have to find a HUGE container pot and build another deck just to house them!

I’ll post pictures once I have a flourishing “Secret Garden”.

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