My Blog

Wait. It’s Not FREE?

I’ve turned over a new leaf, as of late, and I’ve regretted it from the very beginning. Anyone who follows me on Twitter, I follow back, as long as they’re not “couples” posting non-face nudes or eggheads. Today I did a follow back and immediately received a DM:

 Thank you so much for the follow back

Not just a random person btw. Play football at the University of texas
Not just a random person btw. Play football at the University of texas

Me: Very cool. I look forward to tweeting with you.

@DeeChilllin And plus, you’re amazingly cute..I promise im not a weird stalking guy or anything. I just have questions im very curious about. Do you have an email? Lol…Lol you can look me up on google



I’m so lucky that he has no finals to study for and was able to email me IMMEDIATELY… as in one minute later. LOL.

Email: (this douche doesn’t deserve anonymity.)

Soo i was seeing your twitter and you definitely amazed me lol. I really wanna know how to get in the industry

Me: There’s a lot of big names on twitter,  and many live in central Texas. Contact them and ask if they’d be interested in working with you. Once you have content out there, it opens more doors. G’luck!

Him: Do you live in austin?

Him: If soo i would loveeee to take you to lunchh😘 my treat. Your just soo beautiful and i wanna get to know you omg

Him: And ill also gladly get you tickets for our games next year

Me: No. Hill Country.

Him: Lol cant believe i actually have to pay too see you strip 😭😭😭😭 no fairrrr

Me: This is what I do for a living… and, if you really want to get in the industry, as you indicated in the beginning, then I’m surprised you would think it was free.


Seriously? This week, alone, I have a full private message (DM) box on Twitter from people just like him. Not only that, I’m not impressed with what anyone does. It’s not who I am. Oh. Wow. You play football? Let me translate that for you. You sit on the sidelines, as you always have, riding the coat tails of those who have talent and then you try to impress people with their stories, not yours. Harsh? Maybe. But I’m so tired of people being fake! I don’t fucking care that you think I’m here to listen to your fucking bullshit. I’m real no matter whether I’m naked and talking on cam, for everyone to see, or I’m sitting across from my sister-in-law. I don’t fucking care what persona they spin. Real is what wins me over and then I want to know what your life entails because then I really do want to know, and believe it, or not, I care.. but godamn! We’re only on Tuesday and I am about to go off on some jackasses! Oh! And, let’s not over look his initial email. He wants to get into the sex industry… and he plays football. What the fuck. Do I have idiot stamped on my mother fucking forehead? Also, if he wants in the industry, why would he be shocked that my content isn’t free? Let me give you a definition, Dwwindsor style.



noun, plural industries

the aggregate of manufacturing or technically productive enterprises in a particular field, often named after its principal product:

the automobile industry; the steel industry.

any general business activity; commercial enterprise:

the Italian tourist industry.
And, this is for Lefty, and this is a perfect use of what is about to follow.
SMH (Shaking My Head – translated for Hedo. LOL.)

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