My Blog

Don’t Bee hating on the Bee’s

mason_beeLast night while I was on cam, I asked the fella’s what they’re thoughts on soy candles are. Mountain Man only uses candles when the power goes out. Red’s response was to ask me a question – what my favorite flavor candle is. Outlaw and Lefty didn’t really respond… as though I didn’t even ask. LOL.

That discussion turned into “maybe those are vegan candles because soy doesn’t harm bee’s” … after we all pondered and fully discussed the topic of bee’s, we agreed that bee’s are good and we should “bee friendly” to our bee friends.

Awhile later I decided we, as a group, should write a blog and Outlaw suggested the topic.

MountainMan and Outlaw came up with:

“Bee’s are natures friends, please don’t kill them with Pesticides and Shit.”

From there, it was Lefty’s turn to add to the topic. He wasn’t sure what he had just been nominated for, so I explained to him that we’re making a new post as a group. After reading him what we had so far, this is what he came up with:

“kill them with a butane torch instead.”

I’m still laughing out loud over that, because it contradicts our entire conversation that we had earlier… but then, after 10 minutes of hysterically laughing, I remembered that Lefty had to reboot his computer and decided he must have missed our “bee friendly” discussion.

He said, “oh. Let me get back to you on that.”

This is what he added:

“Save a bee’s job.  Eat more honey!”

So, in conclusion, “Bee’s are natures friends, please don’t kill them with Pesticides and shit. Kill them with a butane torch instead. Save a bee’s job.  Eat more honey!”

And now Lefty is on the FBEEI’s watch list. LOL.

MountainMan came up with the title and Outlaw is the one who got us started, and sometimes that’s the hardest step in writing a post!

Incidentally, soy candles suck and there were no bee’s harmed in the writing of this post.



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