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What a Coincidence!

Our neighbor called me earlier and when I answered he said, “I have a Texas neighborly question to ask of you.” Okay? “These vine like flower thingies, are they weeds or flowers?” I have to be honest, I have no fucking idea what he was talking about, so I asked, “do they look more like a weed or a flower?” To that, he responded, “they’re green and I’m mowing the yard and I’m half drunk so I thought I should call you so I make a good decision. I don’t want Eunhee (his wife) to be mad.” I responded with, If they’re not in her flower pot area, I’d mow right over the weeds.” He said, “okay good, I’m going to mow. Thanks!”

About twenty minutes later he calls back.

“Okay. So, you know those things we decided I should mow over? After I cut one section, I noticed thousands of honey bee’s. I don’t want to aid in their extinction. You know they’re going extinct, right? Well, I’ve just assisted them. Oh noooooo! There’s thousands of them, everywhere!…. I’m going to get a bee box and apologize.”

I responded with, “oh shit! I’m the one that told you to mow them over. Sorry about that!”

He said that there’s a bunch of those so-called-weeds on the other side of his yard and he’s not mowing over those. “In other words, my yard is going to look like shit! I just don’t want to kill the rest of their food source.”

To that I laughed, as harsh as that sounds, but the whole situation is funny. I have no idea what weed/vine/flower he has over there, and I mow all of our property, so it sounded like a good response to “should I mow it over?” LOL.

I suggested he not utter a word to anyone and to just remind himself that those bee’s were not harmed, and there’s a neighboring patch right next to theirs, which was obliterated. LOL. Wrong word to use in his drunken state, but I didn’t know what else to say to console him over my decision for him. Plus, it’s not like he took a butane torch to them. He just gave them another project to start over on…

Anyway, I thought what a wild coincidence after our recent blog post.

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