My Blog

You Know How I Know…

karmaDo you know how I know karma does exist? Devil was doing something with the electronics that’s connected to the TV, and he had the big speaker box pulled out into the walk way, which was not hiding. In other words it was sitting in plain sight. That’s not what I was being a smart ass over, though. It was totally unrelated and I finished talking and 2 seconds later I hit the corner of the speaker box as hard as I possibly could. It separated my pinky toe from the rest of them. lol. It was not a pretty sight. I kept walking as I cussed at karma and a few minutes later Devil asks “what the fuck just happened”… What the fuck. Sometimes I think he lives in his own world and only visits me at the most random of times. LOL. So, do not ever wonder if karma exists. That bitch is fucking real! I’ll be wearing socks tomorrow and possibly all of next week. LOL.

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