My Blog

Stupid Monday

It seems today’s based on stupid. There’s no particular theme, but if there’s a stupid question to be asked, it’s been asked. This one gave me a chuckle, there was no “hi, how are you?”, just – “do you know why so-and-so hasn’t been online for a couple years? She was my favorite. No offense.” … LOL! “No offense taken. My guess is if she wanted you to know, she’d have sent you a memo. No offense.” “That’s a good point. Are you still in touch with her? Could you give her a message for me?” “Oh yeah, I’m here to serve as your messenger.” “Tell her that I look for her daily and would love if she could get online for me.” “She wants to know if you’re going to last longer than 30 seconds.” “WOW! She remembers me?” LOL!!! “No you dumb fuck. I haven’t moved from this stupid conversation.”

That’s just one of many, which have amused me today… so, do you have a stupid question? If so, today is the day you should ask….

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