My Blog

This Week is Very Hateful!

From new computers, to dealing with shotty internet companies, to headaches and no traffic on Streamate, this week hates me! Although, the no-traffic is most likely due to having terrible internet service, but I like to share the blame with them, since they are a bunch of (close your eyeballs Hedo) cunts.

I’m learning how to not hate Apple, and that’s been a struggle all in itself. From learning new software to having audio problems and trying to figure out where my pictures go when I save them, it’s been a cluster fuck of frustrations.

Let me start this next statement with an apology to Lefty. I suggest you stop reading…. You’re not still reading, are you?

I have to give a huge shout out to our Apple guru, Cliff. He has not gloated, to my knowledge, and he’s been more than helpful. Each time he enters my cam room I have a list of questions for him… and now he’s helping me with Skype, which he does’t even use! I can’t promise I won’t cuss him in the future, for his love of Apple, but he’s kept me from insanity. So, thank you, Cliff!

Now, because I know you’re still reading, here’s a *hug* for Lefty.

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