My Blog

I Dropped the Ball

When I first started this venture, nine years ago, I kept to myself, gave no personal information, other than how my day was going. Over time I started getting comfortable with being a little more open to accepting you guys into my world. It wasn’t so much me, as it was you. I never imagined getting to know you outside of emails or during my weekly cam shows. There are many of you that I call “friend” and most who I really, truly care about. Usually. lol.

So, when Nicster insisted on an Amazon site, I finally gave in and had one listed, but never advertised. I have always made a special blog post for each gift received to show my sincere appreciation. However, I received so many gifts for my birthday this year that I haven’t individually recognized you guys yet. My plan was to do that this week and I had a folder of pics waiting to be attached, where appropriate.

Rob talked about all of the smart benefits of buying an Apple computer instead of spending money on a new Windows every year or two. After much thought, Devil realized he could probably take the Window’s computer back that he bought in April, but if he waited any longer, they probably wouldn’t allow him to do an exchange. What I’m getting at is all of my pictures were on that computer… so now I have none. And, it’s Rob’s fault. LOL.



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