My Blog

Fuck You, Universe!

OMFG! I am having a terrible eight days and I don’t know why! It’s not even localized to one area of problems, but spread out all over the fucking board! From slow “data transfer” between my computer and Streamate (going on 8 days) to shotty fucking internet services (both of them, due to mother fucking Bill, the tropical storm, not “my fella”) to audio issues without warning and everything in between. I don’t know what to do. I’ve had the internet guy look into it and he has found no problems. I’ve emailed SM and they responded just as I expected them to. It was an auto-response asking if I’ve read the trouble shooting page. I replied with a “Yes” and they replied with a link to the Goddamn fucking trouble shooting page. WTF. I tried to download the Mac software for another cam site but I couldn’t figure it out and I’m not sure what to do at this point. I can’t continue doing this or it’s going to drive me insane.

PS- it is not the Apple computer. I was on a Windows computer this afternoon and had no traffic, which is due to slow data transfer times. As for all the other fucking bullshit, will that’s probably the shotty internet and the universe hating on me.

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