My Blog

It’s Fixed.

For two weeks my internet has been unstable. Last week it wasn’t noticeable except I had no traffic in my cam room. After a few days of wondering what is going on, I started running different tests, showing that something was definitely wrong. Monday, after 7 days, I contacted the good ol’ boy that owns the internet company. Devil asked me to be nice. Pfft. I am being nice. He had no response. I sent him a couple text messages Tuesday, with pictures of the tests. He responded to tell me he would look into it. By 9p that night I hadn’t heard from him so I sent him more text messages. He said he ran tests, spent a “few hours”, probably meaning 30 minutes, at the tower and found no problems. He did tell me that he “adjusted” something and it should be working now. Wait. Hold on. There were no issues found, yet he adjusted settings and I should have no problems now. Hmmm. Okay. I was online for another three hours and nothing changed.

I spent all day Wednesday working on a Clips4Sale page and a few other sites. Every few minutes the internet would drop and come right back. Yeah. That’s normal.

Devil called him this afternoon and talked about the problems and explained to him that I’m frustrated because no one is listening to me. Rick, the good ol’ boy, said that several customers complained yesterday morning about not being able to load email pages and so he spent the day looking for the problem. There was a bad router. Basically, I have a business account and my money isn’t worth the trouble or respect of addressing the issues. However, someone who only wants to check FB or Twitter has his attention. Yeah. That doesn’t piss me off, too much. Of course Devil is happy to hear the news and I am skeptical… and for good reason. There has been no change.

I sent him a text, since he never answers my phone call, and told him “I’m still having issues. Nothing has changed. At one point I had 60.30 down and .70 up. It doesn’t seem like it’s fixed at all. Glad I pay for a business account; nothing like supporting a monopoly.” And then Devil asked if I was nice. I said, Yes.

That is nice because I deleted all of the “fucking” before I hit send. lol.

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