My Blog

A Tentative Plan

The Tuesday night member’s show only lasted thirty minutes, before my audio turned into R2D2 sounds, and then my internet dropped. I don’t know what caused the audio to do that and I have a hard time believing it was the internet, but since I’ve never had that issue, I put it all on them. I was optimistic that the internet would be addressed and resolved by tonight, but I was wrong. I’ve now turned into a skeptic. The one good thing that came out of today was that I had the foresight to cancel tonight’s show because I would have done a 55 minute show, getting kicked offline with only 5 minutes left.

So, here’s the plan:

Friday night 10p EST

Next week I’ll do an extra member show, just to show my appreciation for those of you who have had to listen to me vent this week. Day and time to be announced. (Probably Friday night)

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