My Blog

It’s a Happy Day

What a happy day for most of us in the United States of America! It was a vote that was close, but those in the gay community now have marriage equality. This is something, in my opinion, that should have been their right decades ago. We are in a society that still has the “good ol’boy” mentality and they’re finally starting to lose. It is infuriating that so many politicians feel that their “religious” beliefs are golden and they have a right to force their opinions on others. It’s those who have taken the hypocritical oath and are now telling us how to behave in the bedroom, while they have mistresses and do blow. Now, with that said, I understand they don’t all have mistresses, but why is it their common belief in God that gives them the right to tell other people what’s right and wrong? Those are the same people who steal from the poor  and forget about the old. Not today, however, and what a blessed day it is! Some probably think God is turning over in his grave, but if he is the loving soul they claim that he is, then why wouldn’t he be rejoicing?


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