My Blog

It’s a Revolving Door

I vaguely remember the days when no one would make the drive to our house because we’re out in the country. As the area has built up and more people are moving out of the city, most friends don’t mind the drive, which is great but it’s not unusual for several people to stop on a daily basis. Even those who live 20 miles east of us! With that said, I enjoy when our friends come over for dinner & drinks. It’s those random stops that turn into 3 and 4 a day, that bums me sometimes. Am I a terrible person? Don’t answer that. It’s just that I give so much of my time online that when I’m not on cam, I am exhausted and don’t feel like having a revolving door. Today I spent most of my time signing up for new sites and creating affiliate links and was going to have dinner at 6, which would be perfect with my VNA schedule. However, someone stopped by at 5:50 and didn’t leave until 6:30, which rushed me. I don’t like being rushed; I never have. Now it’s 8 and I walked to the house to make coffee and two more people are coming over. I miss the evenings where I could enjoy a quiet dinner and not have to talk to anyone. lol. Does that make me selfish?

I hope to have Wednesday night to myself, so that is something positive to share. LOL. Sorry for the negative post! *hugs*

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