My Blog

Damn It!

I get so busy with every day “stuff” that I don’t always make the time to blog. For that, I am sorry. The reason I still enjoy maintaining the site and keeping up on our blog is because of you guys!

So, what’s new? Let’s start with Dwwindsor (DW). He was missing, or at least I thought he was, but he has returned to us. WOOT! It turns out that he has just been incredibly busier than he already was on a normal day. Thankfully, I was over thinking his demise and he is healthy, happy and still with us. He is just more tired and run down than he’d like to be. lol. Welcome back, DW, I am glad I cold shame you into making time for us again. *hugs*

Zai is doing great, but she’s stuck outside, in a corner on our deck. She looks out of place, but apparently she requires a lot of sun; much more than I can provide her in the studio. I’m not sure where she’ll be during our winter, but that will be determined, once I discuss that with Bob, my Bonsai Master, who also happens to be an Aussie. I’m pretty sure he has kangaroo’s in his back yard, but for fear I’ll move in with him, he is closed lipped about the Roo situation.

August, which happens to be my least favorite month, has come to an end. It’s miserably dry but they are predicting a wet fall here in CenTex and I am hoping they are right! I need to plant grass seeds, for the first time, so I guess I should do that once it starts to cool off. Maybe I’ll even buy a sprinkler to water the yard in the evenings, and hope no one notices. Our outside water is from an old well that we’ve maintained and I try not to be selfish in using more than we need. However, the May floods washed away most of our grass around the studio and house, which means it’s nothing but cracked dirt that is making it impossible to keep a clean house. Each time the door opens, another layer settles on my floors and furniture. Plus, I enjoy mowing and without grass, I’ll only have dirt to stir up… blech!

I’m still on Streamate, as most of you know, but I’m “actively” searching for a replacement. LOL. I stole the term “actively” from Streamate and their pretend tech team. It’s a fun word, now that it is one of mockery and bloviate. I’ll be trying Chaturbate and a couple other networks over the next couple of weeks. You guys are not expected to join more sites, but if you’d like to know where I am, I’ll be tweeting it… as requested.

Red used the bloviate in a sentence last night and Lefty was kind enough to give meaning to the word. Bloviate: to go on and on and on in a pompous way as to bullshit.

We’re taking a spontaneous trip to Lake of the Ozarks, MO this weekend. I’ll be offline Thursday-Tuesday… which means I’ll have an irregular schedule for a couple of weeks.

I think that’s enough jabber for now. As Nicster, pointed out yesterday, I have let the blog go. I vow to change that starting today! Happy reading! XO

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