My Blog

I’m Calling Bullshit.

I’ve known many service men and women, in my personal life and throughout my online world. All of which are very humble, and sometimes even embarrassed, about receiving any kind of thanks and/or recognition. I was raised in a household that showed a lot of respect for those who volunteered their services, no matter during peacetime or while at war.  With that said, there are a lot of people who create a facade while online that has hardened my ability to take what they say at face value. Today, for example, someone entered my cam room and didn’t say hello, or even respond to my chatter. Instead he said he was on his 11th tour and was is Ganar, waiting to be sent back to Afghanistan. First of all, if that’s the first thing you say, I’m going to automatically roll my eyes. I used to appease those in “service” just in case, but now I don’t think he deserves the respect of being given the benefit of the doubt. Second of all, I assume he meant Kandahar, since Ganar is not a place, anywhere on the map. Also, I don’t expect everyone to be excellent spellers, but at least sound it out when lying. And finally, I’m certain 11 tours is a bit of a stretch, even for those exaggerated minds who visit me online. I’m no expert on the longevity of ones service, but with PTSD and other war time experiences, I’m certain the US Military has implemented policies that would have taken someone off of the deployment list after several tours. Am I wrong? Just because one is still on active duty, I don’t foresee the military deploying someone 11 times.

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