My Blog

What a Day!

I took my time waking up and then enjoyed a few cups of coffee before Bubba arrived. He and Dave were kind enough to drive to the house and go through a few boxes left by Shroom, which was a huge help. After they left I straightened up the house, started laundry and then decided to set up a green house for the winter.

Last year I waited until the end of fall, but we had an early cold front that stuck around for a couple weeks. So, it sat in the box. Once it warmed up I was busy and then it was cold, again; it stayed in the box until this afternoon.

There was a picture, but no instructions. I like puzzles. It was easy to figure out and I was well on my way to putting it together, when we realized Sunny was not doing well.

We inherited Sunny with Nelson and his cat. Devil’s mom took in animals and we’re not sure how long Sunny was with her, but she was obviously abused, and she came with a lot of issues. After spending a couple years with us, she began to trust us and she would even enjoy my hugs. She always had a sweet disposition about her, and she put up with the Boxers, never getting frustrated with their shenanigans. We’d been talking about putting her down for a couple months, but she was still happy-go-lucky and she was eating. That was until five days ago. Today when Devil went to the pen to let them run free for a while, she wasn’t at the gate, bulldozing the “kids”. She let them walk all over her, except when the gate was opened. The old lady always went first; she’d trip them and then stomp over them, just to be the first out. lol.

It was time.

I spent the next two hours digging a hole, which we covered in hay. She loved hay! She now has a shady spot, all her own, and a front row seat of the water fall that runs through our property during a rain storm.

We had her for 9 years and the vet guessed she was about 10 when we took her in. She was old. It was time.

I’ve now showered, finished laundry and I’m dead on my feet.

How was your day?

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