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The May rains washed away a lot of our grass that is around the studio, and near the deck, which has caused dust storms each time the wind blows. I thought I’d pick up a bag of seeds at Home Depot, spread them about and water the ground, restoring the grass. I started watering last Friday, using a sprinkler for 20 minutes each night. The grass that was left behindĀ is green, but the seeds are not popping up wild blades of grass. I’m trying to be patient, but according to the bag it says the seeds will produce grass within 3-5 days, and it has been seven. Also, I have 5 other areas I need to water and I thought I would do a section at a time, spending one week on each, finishing up at the beginning of November. That would be perfect because our first frost is usually around the 15th of November. If the seeds are not going to cooperate, my plan is a failure! Maybe I should try a different type of seeds. The area is too large for me to rake and cultivate the ground before spreading seeds. I need something that I can just spread and water.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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